friendlydesktop-arm64/update_partmap.txtįor more information on how to use sd-fuse_rk3399, please see sd-fuse_rk3399 Readme. Usingthe following command, you can only upgrade kernel and dtb, instead of flashing the whole card, will be faster. Insert an SD card(at least 16G) into a Windows PC. sd-fuse_rk3399/friendlydesktop-arm64/Ĭp rk3399_veye_dimaging_bsp/ubuntu/platform/friendlyarm_nanopi4/images/update_partmap.txt. Tar -xzvf rk3399_veye_dimaging_bsp/ubuntu/platform/friendlyarm_nanopi4/images/ -C. Tar -xzvf friendlydesktop-arm64-images.tgz -C sd-fuse_rk3399 Link: ,find the corresponding file in the images-for-eflasher directory and download it. Download friendlydesktop-arm64-images.tgz.We provide NanoPi M4 resource.img and kernel.img. Git clone 4.2 Using prebuild Image and DTB Tar -xvf linuxsdk-friendlyelec-20190903.tar We use the first way,download linuxsdk-friendlyelec sdk,and sync it. linuxsdk-friendlyelec sdk provided by friendlyarm,Link: anoPiM4。.There are three way to get kernel source code. Please refer to link by friendlyarm to install cross complier. Customers can refer to this section to port the driver of VEYE-MIPI-327 to the motherboard of other RK3399. It mainly involves two parts, kernel and dtb.

This section provides instructions on how to update the system firmware using source code.

On the utility's main window select your SD card's drive, the wanted image file and click on "write" to start flashing the SD card. Insert an SD card(at least 16G) into a Windows PC and run the win32diskimager utility as administrator. The image is based on friendlyelec-20190903 SD card version. You can use the image prebuild by us to upgrade nanopi system, which will support our camera. Note:NanoPi M4 board MIPI-CSI2 interface descriptionģ Using prebuilt Image to upgrade NanoPi4